I am back to posting my black and white images for the next while, this is Hornby Island, I visited the island for a couple days earlier this year in June, I felt I made a lot of good images while there. Now I have a large back log of scanning to do, my scanner needed repairs as it was not focusing properly, that has now been fixed and I will chip away at my stack of 4 x 5 negatives that need scanning, I am looking forward to seeing them, I will post here and on my facebook page, the website will be updated early next year.
Beautiful image - This is certainly among my favorites in the set. It amazed me how much work you produced for only being there a couple of days. It's very different from how I work (not a bad thing, just an observation). I've enjoyed the images and being witness to your process.
Thanks, Joe, glad you like the image, it's hard for me to pick out a favourite, I guess because I shot them.
As for how much I produced during my short time pn Hornby Island, I was on the Island for one half day, ( June 22nd ) one full day ( June 23rd ) and half of the third day ( June 24th ) I shot on each of those days, a total of 46 sheets of 4 x 5 film ( Kodak T-Max 400 ).
We all have different ways of working, I guess thats what makes out end result unique. Good to hear that you have enjoyed "watching" me at work.
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