Monday, October 02, 2023

The Purple Pond (Image No. 750)

Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, September 2023. While on a hike with my sister, Linda, and her partner Bob, in the White Lake Grasslands Protected near Penticton, we saw this purple-coloured pond, my sister was up ahead on the trail and she called out and said "Hey there's a purple pond!" I looked at it with amazement! I have come across some beautiful sights in my pursuit of photographing landscapes, but this has to be one of the most unusual I have ever seen. I know this little pond as I have photographed the White Lake area over many years, as it's one of my favourite areas to photograph in the South Okanagan. At one time this pond or small lake was a considerably larger and typically dark green colour. I wondered how it became purple so I did some online checking and the purple colour of this lake is likely due to purple sulphur bacteria. According to Wikipedia, this lake like many others in the area has a unique layering, where the very bottom of the lake is very salt-rich and contains hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which facilitates the growth of the purple sulphur bacteria in the layer above it, where the bacteria has just enough light to grow. Photograph © by Gary Nylander. Please note: No unauthorized use of this photograph. Please contact me at:

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