Friday, September 02, 2016

Forgotten Pictures

Today's post I am showing a couple of my favorite photographs from my years when I worked at the Goldstream Gazette on Vancouver Island from September 1976 to April 1979. About a month or so ago I posted a photo of my first newspaper picture that I had published in the Gazette in July of 1976.

 By September of 1976, I was on staff with a regular pay cheque ( ya! ) at the paper as staff photographer, although admittedly my duties included a whole raft of other jobs, including making coffee and cleaning the office. I got on staff through a unique job opportunity created by the Federal Government, at the time they offered a program that employers could use whereby they could hire someone with little or no experience and the government would pay something like 75 percent of the person's wage for a 3 month period, this worked out great for me because it gave me a chance to get a full time wage and the owners of the paper didn't have to take a huge finical risk if I didn't work out. I ended up stayed at the paper for 2 1/2 years till I got a job in Brampton Ontario at the Brampton Daily Times, then came to the The Daily Courier, where I am currently employed at the beginning of October, 1983.

 The old man leaning on his cane was taken during a rugby game in October of 1976 at Royal Roads Military College, now Royal Roads University. There was something about the way the man was standing with his one hand on his hip and the other leaning on his cane which caught my eye. The picture ran on the front page.

 The old man sitting on a wooden bench was taken at The Lester B. Pearson United World College of the Pacific, in Metchosin during an open house held in April of 1977, I made a number of frames of the man and also a cat that was in some pictures, but I liked the contemplative look of the man in this picture and so did my editor who chose it for the front page.

Maybe in a few weeks I will have to write about my missing portfolio while working at the Gazette which I dropped off at the Vancouver Sun newspaper in 1979 and didn't get back until more than 25 years later.

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