Saturday, September 03, 2016

Alec Merriman -30-

Alec Merriman, writer, photographer, avid outdoorsman passed away Thursday, September 1 at age 96.

My picture post here is in recognition to Mr. Merriman, the hard working Victoria Times and Daily Colonist writer who loved to write about the outdoors, to many he was known as Mr. King Fisherman as he ran the Times Colonist King Fisherman contest for nearly 20 years. He was famous for his books on outdoor travel and fishing on Vancouver Island, Logging Road Travel 1 and 2 were co-authored by his wife Taffy.

I never met the legendary Alec Merriman, but I ended up with some of his old camera gear including a Speed Graphic from the 1940s which I treasure owning knowing the history behind the man who once held it. If the lens on that camera could somehow replay all the images that Alec pointed it at it, the picture show would be incredible.

 I came to know Mr. Merriman in spirit through his daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and Stew Lang after mutual friends of mine from high school linked me up with the Lang's late last year. I would have loved to have met Alec, but there was good days and bad days for Mr.Merriman where he lived his final days at the Priory long term health facility in Langford, and none of my visit to the Island coincided with his good days. I enjoyed visiting with Stew and Barb, hearing and learning all about Alec and his adventures.

My picture shows his collection of camera gear including his "Baby" Speed Graphic from 1947 that takes 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 film, actual unused film from the 1960's, flash bulbs, Weston light meter, camera case, photography books, his outdoor travel books. The big camera in the back is a 1901 Kodak enlarging camera, owned by his father Tom Merriman who also had a 40 year career with the Victoria Times paper.


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