Friday, July 20, 2007

If A Tree Falls.....

Most people know those famous words, I'm not sure exactly how the tree fell or if anyone heard it when it went crashing to the ground, in this case it appeared to me that the tree looks like it had been brought down by a wind storm as the base of the tree was snapped off, the tree then ended up in the beaver pond in Manning Provincial Park. The image was made with my 4 x 5 view camera and a 120mm lens.


Andy Ilachinski said...

Almost all of your images have a quiet, poetic "soul" to them; though part of this may of course be attributed to the subject matter and the usual aesthetic realities underlying all images (light, tone, and so on), I nonetheless sense something much, much deeper. Where Ansel creates his Wagnerian landscapes with much of the same material that draws *your* eye, your images (while still retaining much of the raw Wagnerian "power") somehow blend in a sense of ethereal calm. Almost a paradox; but that's a tell-tale sign of real art! Just beautiful.

Gary Nylander said...

Thanks Andrew, I appreciate your comments, I try to find these peaceful places and transfer those feelings into my image.

Anonymous said...

Gary, I like the way you've used the fallen tree to draw the eye towards the wonderful grasses in the water and the lovely trees there. Love it!