Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Seeing Beyond the Big Things

I love finding abstract images in the natural world around me, often close ups of bits of landscape that are right at my feet that when I have finished the completed photograph look nothing like they do in real life, the use of black and white further minimizes and distorts the scene. While out photographing I try to visualize in black and white how these images may end up look. Over the years I have come to recognize a good candidate such as these examples posted, I found these pools of water amongst rocks during low tide at Botanical Beach on Vancouver Island this past June, the sea water had evaporated during the sunny part of the day leaving the salt stuck to the rocks which gave me a nice range of contrast and interesting patterns to play with. I made the images over a period of about two hours shooting about 16 sheets of film with a 4 x 5 view camera and a 120 mm lens attached to the camera.

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